How to Talk Dog™ Birmingham

1555 Cooper Hill Road • Birmingham, AL 35210 • (205) 588-4709

1555 Cooper Hill Road • Birmingham, AL 35210 • (205) 588-4709

Talk Dog Blog

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A "Bogey" story

Hey there, Adam!!!

First I wanted to thank you for the newsletters...I really enjoy reading the information you're providing!!!

Secondly, Bogey (I'm guessing you remember "BogeyNo") has been doing something that absolutely makes me laugh and I wanted to share it with you. You taught us to do what I call his "focus" training. You may remember how "unfocused" he was and how difficult that was for us to do. We would always practice in the driveway since that seemed to be the easiest place with the most space. He eventually began responding and doing very well and after I completed the circle around him, I would give him a big hug and "Good Boy!!!"

Awhile ago upon returning from our morning (5 AM!!!) walk, we got to the top of the driveway and he began acting a little strange. I was wondering what was up as he quickly walked over and sat in his spot and WANTED me to "focus" train HIM. (As you can see, he is still the boss!!!) I'm sure he loves the hug at the end, but almost without fail, a few times each week, he quickly gets to his spot after our walk and we make half moon circles until I completely walk around him and give him that big ol' hug.

Bogey will be "2" on February 1 and really has become a wonderful dog. Of course, we still have things that we should and need to work on with him, but he is a great addition to our family. I know everyone says, "Our dog is so smart" and in most cases, they are correct. I have to say that, too. I almost feel like Bogey should be doing something really productive because he is so astute. Now, if we could only get him to sleep past 5 AM on the weekends!!! There's another story there, but I won't bore you with the details.

I hope things are going well for you and 2010 will be a successful year!!! Thank you again for the help you gave us and keep those newsletters coming!!!

Take care,



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