How to Talk Dog™ Birmingham

1555 Cooper Hill Road • Birmingham, AL 35210 • (205) 588-4709

1555 Cooper Hill Road • Birmingham, AL 35210 • (205) 588-4709

Talk Dog Blog

Friday, March 26, 2010

AshLeigh and Emma

Emma is doing great. I took her to our "Rascal Day" at school which is a day where we
can bring our dogs to school for a parade, treats, and playtime. She
had a great time. She was very calm. Last year she pulled me the entire
way there and then growled at multiple dogs. This year she didn't pull
me at all. Everyone of my friends said she was a brand new dog. I even
got to put the leash down on my lap while I ate lunch and she laid there
next to me calmly. She never growled at any of the dogs, and actually
made a few friends. She hung out with a maltese and chihuahua all day!
She normally tries to chase smaller dogs, but relaxed with these little
dogs in the sunlight. At home she has been very good. She has even
played with my boyfriend's weimeraner. She used to immediately attack
Lacy, or only last a few moments until they got into a fight. Now, she
and lacy will play for 15 - 20 minutes wrestling without a single issue.
Emma only growls when Lacy growls first and she immediately relaxes
when we intervene. She used to go into attack mode and attack nonstop.
Now she goes immediately back into play mode. She even takes Lacy toys
when we get them out! Emma's vet even said she is a much happier dog
and completely different. She has lost weight since her new food. She
has eaten the better food for a month and it has actually lasted a month
while her old food only lasted 2 weeks. My friends compliment her all
the time. My parents even said she is acting much more calm and not as
neurotic as she had been. Thank you!!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Thank you!
I was about half zombie yesterday afternoon, and I don't think I thanked you properly for the nail trim. I can't believe y'all did that and I appreciate it so much! What a super nice thing to do! I abandoned ship a long time ago b/c I quicked them so many times, they just won't let me get near when they see me coming with the clippers. Plus, I get all nervous and flustered and mad. Anyway, y'all are the GREATEST!! Thanks!!